Does Navaratna Jewels really work?

This article covers:

  • What is Navaratna?
  • How to use Navaratna
  • Who can use or wear Navaratna Jewelry?
  • Use at Home or Business Establishment
  • How to use the Navratna Jewelry or Plate (Yantra)

Every planet is unique in terms of its significations, vibes and the impact it creates on humanity. Unimaginable benefits can be attained if you know how to harness the power of each planet in your favor by performing specific actions such as remedies as recommended by ancient astrological literatures even if some planets in your birth chart are in an unfavorable position.

One of the best ways to harness the power of universe is by way of embracing Navaratna Gems. Navaratna gems considered sacred for rituals and bring luck wherever it is used.

What is Navaratna?

Navaratna (Sanskrit: नवरत्न) is a Sanskrit compound word meaning “Nine Gems” or “Nine Ratnas”.

Astrologically, 9 primary planets such as Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu (Dragon Head), Ketu (Dragon Tail) are playing vital role in deciding the fate of humanity. For each of these planets, there are Gemstones which has ability to influence our life positively even when some planets are not favoring you in your horoscope. (Read: How Gems Stones Can Change your Life)

For example each planet influences the following in our life even though the list is not exhaustive:

  • Ruby stone (Gem of Sun) influences High Status, Income growth, Government courtesies
  • Pearl (Gem of Moon) influences Stability of mind, Health, Attract Customers, Gain Attention, Arts
  • Red Coral (Gem of Mars) influences Physical Fitness, Courage, Boldness, Decision Making ability, Acing in sports
  • Emerald (Gem of Mercury) influences Education, Business Skills, Communication ability, Arts
  • Yellow Sapphire (Gem of Jupiter) influences Education, Large Wealth, Gentle Behavior, Gold, Banking
  • Diamond (Gem of Venus) influences Luxuries, Assets, Jewels, Ability to enjoy life
  • Blue Sapphire (Gem of Saturn) influences Professional success and stability, Hard work, Longevity, Service
  • Hessonite / Gomed (Gem of Rahu) influences Massive Wealth, Expansion, Greed, Yoga, Smart thinking
  • Cats Eye (Gem of Ketu) influences Enlightenment, Spiritual, Literature, Satisfaction

Therefore, by combining nine powerful gemstones that helps to consolidate and concentrate the positive influence of all nine planets and reduce the malefic effect to the wearer.

How to use Navaratna?

Very common and traditional way to use Navaratna (Nine Gems) is to set the gems in a Jewelry and wear it.

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  • Ring
  • Necklace
  • Bracelets
  • Earrings

In addition, there are some other forms of using Navaratna such as setting the stones in a plate or yantra to fix in home or business places.

Special Setting on Yantra / Plates:

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Who can wear / use Navaratna Jewelry / Plate?

Commonsense thinking could lead to conclusions like ‘All nine gems will yield equal and balanced results’ which may not be true for all the natal horoscopes.

Horoscopes with more than three planets converged in one or two Zodiac sign(s) should be extremely careful and consult a gem astrologer before wearing Navratna Jewelry. Following are some aspects that should be checked in the horoscope before deciding to wear Navratna Jewelry.

  • Ascendant or Moon sign lord should be strong and should have benefic associations
  • Mars should be in a strong position in your Natal chart
  • Saturn should not be afflicted or debilitated

Therefore Caution should be exercised while you consider wearing a Navaratna Jewelry. You should consult with an experienced Gem Astrologer and look for logical reasoning as to why Navaratna Jewelry will suit or don’t suit your horoscope.

Use at Home or Business Establishment:

At home, Navaratna can be set in a metal plate and kept in prayer room or can be kept in cash box or locker to attract wealth and sustainable financial prosperity.

In a business place where many people walk in or come in contact with the business owner(s) will exchange their positive or negative energies knowingly or unknowingly. Therefore business owner can wear Navaratna Jewelry or Keep Navratna yantra / plate at their desk in their office to protect them from the negative vibes of people around them and enhance their reception of positive vibes with the help of Navaratnas.

How to use the Navratna Jewelry or Plate (Yantra)?

Purification of the Navaratna is very important before starting to use. Stones that are set in the Jewelry carry residual energy of people who handled it until the Navratna set reaches you. Upon receiving the Navratna Jewelry, one should consider to do purification in a following manner to harmonize the vibes of the Navaratna to its natural state so that you can start using it.

Soak the Navaratna set in the following sacred substances for atleast 2-3 hours each in the following order and then wipe with a clean cloth.

  • Cow milk
  • Pure Honey
  • Cow milk (once again)
  • Bilva Leaf Water
  • Pure Water

After cleansing, based on your religious belief you can consider to a brief prayer before wearing it. Wearing the Jewelry for first time during the period of waxing moon on Sunday morning 6-7am during Sun Hora (assuming Sun Rise is at 6am) will yield you the best results!

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